lunes, 3 de junio de 2013

Read Me First

Question driven explanation.

1 Who are you?
 It doesn't matter yet.

2 What is this about?
  Female in games.
This is a simple experiment of a research about feminine traits in video games. Archetypes, mechanic, stories, etc. Mostly driven by my experiences in life and limited investigation. Probably sample-biased.

3 You mean woman?
No, i mean female traits.

4 Why are you doing this?
To organize my ideas. To share with interested people. To gather people interested in this. To improve my own ideas. And lastly (but more importantly) to help "lazy"game designers to create more realistic female characters and avoid the trap of old stuff (like mechanic and story devices). Also (and most important of all) to allow for the creation of new mechanic and game elements.
And finally, because I'm passionate about this topic and (seems like) there is not much written about this.

5 When is it going to be finished?
Probably never.
I change with time and that's not a crime. Is in my nature to be changing.
I will probably be changing my mind as soon as i get new info. Also for my limited time, i won't finish this anytime soon.

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