viernes, 7 de junio de 2013

On the state of art for female on video games

Just came across this

It has some good points on the current state of the art for females in video games, but it still doesn't get to the point of what can be done for improving it. (In fact there's a final 3rd episode coming on next that is going to address that in theory)
So it kinda ends-up with the problem of still-complaint ([post to be done here]).
And also add up with the problem of games for wo-MEN and not for females ([post to be done here also])

Let's search for some solutions!
The fastest reply to this would be the previous post:
Who can make a real change?

But i also found some good videos from ExtraCreditz that explore the situation and also address some of the possibles courses of action (Excellent!!)

This one is kinda old, but i loved it (it's very condensed, so you will need some time to reflect on it to fully apprehend the possibilites here)

And this are some other good ones that you should probably at least watch.

True female characters


Sexual Diversity

Non combat Gaming

Sex in games

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